Part Three: 3:03/3:07 Am Sightings
So the car's journey went from Bowes Road in Arnos Grove to just near the Power Station on Watermead Way In Tottenham around a 4.3 mile journey.
(We have used Sedge Road as a baring as it's close to the Power Station.)
The last Arnos Grove camera sighting was at 2:58 am on a ANPR cam on Bowes Road then there was one at 3:03 am on a cam on Montagu Road via Conduit Lane before being caught at 3:07 am on the Glover Road cam.

So it says the distance is 4.3 miles and takes nine minutes.
The car was quick and could reach 0-60 mph in something like 8 seconds and was travelling at 100 MPH on it's journey according to police was "Speeding across North London" and was going "100 MPH"
100 MPH is 36 seconds per mile x 4.3 = 154.8 seconds (2 minutes 34 seconds) for the entire journey.
The last captured image presented by police was at 2:58:00 am of the car on Bowes Road but Ambrose is never captured actually getting into his car for the second time.
So if you take the 2:58 am + 2 mins 34s = 3:00:34s would be the crash time but it can't be as there is a 3:03:36s sighting on Montagu Road via Conduit Lane so the car hasn't sped at 100 MPH as suggested by the police.

There is a suggested stop somewhere on route to a near by estate which has red bricks which would be the estate that sits in Arnos Grove a few minutes down the road from the shop which would add minutes onto the time frame as the car stopped here for a minute or so before being caught on cameras at the bottom of Montagu Road.

So if you add minutes for the stop that brings the time to three something the 3:03:36s sighting is here on theses cams (which now have white coverings.)

The journey is about four miles.
So 4.0 miles at 100 Mph is 36s x 4.0 = 144s (2 minutes 24s) 3:03:36s - 2 minutes 24s = 3:01:02s the time the car left the Arnos Grove area if the car was speeding at 100 MPH like the police say it was.
The next known sighting is at 3:07 am on a camera that faces Glover Road.

The balled camera catches a car speeding past.
The car has been questioned as it doesn't look like the grey BMW as the car looks silver and looks like a different model of car to the one he drove.

There all the stated camera sightings presented by the police as visual evidence of the car as it sped "across North London" in the early hours on the 24th January 2015.
Speed cameras would have not detected it if the driver knew where the cameras were they could have slowed down being undetected.
But there are other cameras that would have picked up the car as they are constantly running and are all located in areas the car could have been captured.
There are five of these cameras at sit on route, all sit on areas that would have constant running cameras that could have been checked


Every car that passes one of these cameras their number plate flashes on a screen and alerts the police to cars that shouldn't be on the road to which they send out their interceptors to intercept those cars on journey.
They can also track a cars movements as the number plate pings, these two cameras would have caught the car on the A406 long before the 3:03 am sighting as the car according to Sharon Freeman-Woods was caught at 2:58:00 am on an ANPR cam on Bowes Road these two cams would have picked it up but they never.
Camera Eight caught the car passing Glover Road also had a second camera attached to it that faced down Watermead Way that would have caught the car going towards the crash location.
There's cameras on the plumbing place that faces the road, the cams that sit on the power station one at the front and back.

Cameras 9 and 11 could have caught the car slowly coming down the road, cam 10 could have caught the car as it stopped , as the driver decamped, went to the boot and ran in which ever direction they went this depends on what they are pointing at.
There is a cam 12 well we think there is as there's one that looks balled that sits on Sterling Way near Silver Street train-station that would have caught the car as it detoured off route due to the Fore Street tunnel closure on the A406.

There were a total of fourteen cameras but only two picked it up no sightings came from the A406 the road it was on for most of it's journey.
It was never speeding at 100 MPH the times do not add up its way too fast along that road with the junctions and lights it wasn't breaking the limit if it did it wasn't by that much the road has three different MPH on it 30,40 and 50 so if anything the speed is maybe 60 MPH at it's fastest.