Part Four (Stage Two): Staged Car Crash?
In the last part we covered the caller and the abandoned car location at 3:09 am.
In this part we will look at the 3:06 am sighting of a mobile phone and a witness who saw a "smashed up" BMW.
So the police confirmed the crash location to be at Leeside Road and Watermead Way junction at the railings and the car continued down, stopped and was found at 3:09 am, this was stated at the inquest and under oath (if that actually stands for something these days when it concerns the police as they lie on oath all the time).
Here's Police officer Barry McCarthy confirming this as fact that Leeside was the crash location and not Sedge Road!
So the latter timeline looks like this 3:03, 3:06, 3:07, 3:08 and 3:09 am.
The 3:08 am crash is our working out time on what we think the crash time was so it's only assumption based on the Glover Road camera sighting and the time of the call as it sits in between both but has never been confirmed as truth.
So lets look at the 3:06 am sighting of the car.
Here's police officer Sharon Freeman-Woods confirming this as the fact at the inquest.
The 3:03 am sighting has the car coming onto Conduit Lane at speed as it comes round onto Angel Edmonton Road a phone mast catches a mobile phone sighting at 3:06 am.
So 3:03, 3:06 and 3:07 am is a four minute time frame the Bowes road 2:58 sighting has the car taking five minutes to do a 5 mile journey to 3:03 then from 3:03 to 3:07 is just under a minute slower and the car journey is only half a mile so logic tells you the car has slowed down dramatically and between 3:03 and 3:07 am something happened to slow the car down and now has been confirmed the first crash happened between 3:03 and 3:06 am.

Here's also why we think the crash happened here.......
The car then passes at speed on the Glover Road camera at 3:07 am.
So Glover Road was at 3:07 am and the car found and call was at 3:09 am so how can a mobile phone be cited at 3:06 am as the first crash location at Leeside if 3:07 am comes after at Glover Road.
Here is an extract from an honour killing where Keith Cottenden who works in Cyfor Forensics explains about mobile phone data!
So on that Ambrose's phone is never cited after 1:52 am in Southgate, it's never cited once on that journey to the crash location or even at the crash, it's only again cited at Perivale the Police Compound at something like 4:50 pm that afternoon.
The only person who is ever cited at the location is the passenger and his mobile phone and that's on witness statement and police data know-one else places him there but them and that evidence, the car crashed, they get out check for damage the car continues and he decamps from the first "crash" the BMW continues he hears "aloud noise" before returning to the car to get something, looks for Ambrose down the alleyway by the power-station before going to the bus stop or was it "they crash, the car catches fire and they both run away" as that has also been said via a witness statement.
It's ironic though as the first phone sighting in Southgate is up near to Southgate Police Station and the last sighting is at the Police Compound (Draw your own conclusion to that but logic does tell you one thing).
The car hits the railings at Leeside losing its front wheel and the back wheel seems to blow the police then say it travelled 500 yards from the first crash stopping which was 200 yards from the Sedge Road junction with Watermead Way.
If you look on the pic you can see where the car caught the railings and the impact caused.

Where the lighter writing sits (Look from where the T starts) is where the first impact into the railing starts, it looks like the car has reversed out pulling off more to the exterior of the car where the darker writing sits, the car has gone into the railings catching the right side it hasn't hit the railing straight on its more like a brushing motion passed it but the wheel has got stuck in the railings as it passes.
The back wheel on the right side has also blown making the impact harsh and the car now with two wheels unuseable but continues half a mile down the road before stopping.

The second pic in we have wrong as that's taken up by Stonebridge lock as there was another a crash up near there earlier in the day before at around eight in the evening.
The back wheel has blown, the wheel has detached and the number plate is sitting on the floor up at Leeside but there are no road markings to suggest it went any further then where it crashed like we covered in part one and there's know way without leaving some markings as it travelled 500 yards from its crash location to end up 200 yards from the Sedge Road junction.
The journey from the 3:03:36s sighting to 3:07 am is only half a mile doesn't take nearly four minutes, the car has slowed drawing the conclusion that if there were "two" crashes the first one was on the Angel Edmonton Road before Glover Road at around 3:04/3:05 am the driver got out checked the damage, got back in, mobile phone sighting is at 3:06 am, Glover Road is 3:07 am and shows no damage to prevent the car from continuing to the crash at Leeside and Watermead Way showing the damage to the car was only those grey markings you see in the video it gets caught in the railings at Leeside and the witness finds the car at 3:09 am with no driver in site!
So where did the driver go?
They could have gone down that alleyway like suggested by police or it could be where a witness who saw a "man ushered into a Black VW Golf" after seeing a "smashed up BMW" the witness was living in a caravan down on that road somewhere but the police stated at the inquest it was "another crash" the witness saw and the person was found not to be from the BMW apparently involving Ambrose but they could never produce facts on that nor the driver they claim they found.
Lets talk about the "black golf type car" the witness saw as police do drive undercover golfs.
The witness said it was black and we couldn't find a black one we found dark green so the left hand side in the pic is the original pic the right we have darkened up to show you what the witness may have seen early in the morning it is dark and he had come out to see after also "hearing a loud noise" so his vision could have been impeded ie colour of the car.

So there has been three witnesses to this crash and abandoned car but all three fail to see each other on that road, all three heard the crash so all were close to each other same as all three saw the car, the passenger after decamping from the car at the first crash location, the Ikea worker after finding the car and calling it in then the witness who saw the smashed up BMW all three failed to see each other and all were coming from the same direction.
As if the witness from the caravan was parked up he was parked up at Leeside road as when we went up there, there were caravans parked up along side Ikea and then there's the question on the caravan sitting at the bottom of Leeside on the weekend in question and being removed shortly after.
It goes like this if you think logically the caravan witness witnessed after he heard the bang what happened directly after the crash the decamper witness jumped from the car, he heard the second crash then found the car then it's the Ikea worker who heard, finds the car and calls it in.
It's like a scene from a film where they don't see each other and they have a clock at the bottom showing you how long between they were from missing each other on this occasion they miss each other by seconds.
There will be one more part to this as we will cover a few more factors that surround this stage into the death of Ambrose and how the met police covered it up .