Part Four (Stage Three) Staged Car Crash?
This is the final stage into the death of Ambrose around this area ie the car and the crash.
In the first two stages we covered 3:06, 3:07 and 3:09 am sightings giving by the police as final sightings on evidence.
In this part we will look at how the police failed to secure the scene and the forensics undertaking on the car as it sat in a police compound.
You would assume when there is a car found smashed up with a wheel missing, a tire popped the scene would look like this picture.

The police failed to secure the crash location, they didn't bother to tape off the area, collect a wheel or the number plate that had fallen off at the crash location, they would only remove the car.

They didn't take pictures (the pictures you see above were taken by the family but we are unsure who had taken the car picture), run the plates to see who it belonged to let alone check the mobile phone that was sitting in the car.
If they had actually secured the locations then they would have been able via forensics to establish where the car first got into trouble, how it came to smash into railings and then how it came to a stop 500 yards down the road.
This would be achieved by looking at the break distance as if the breaks were applied, the tyres would of heated and made traction marks eg grip markings rubbing of the tyre, the debris on the pavement (left pic top) debris would of been from the BMW but weren't as the debris looks like the wheel arch to the car, the (wheel pic) debris would of been a mixture of the car and railings as both were damaged on impact.
The right front wheel had detached and the back right tyre popped meaning the car should have dropped towards its right hand side as the left side would have been heavier but if it did maintain movement then there would of been dragging marks from the crash location to where the car was found as there should have been markings on the road.
If you see the car in the video as it drags along the road, if you look closely your see the white of the road flicking backwards as the wheel joint hits the floor marking it as it moves forwards at speed.
Same as in this video the wheel has no tire like the BMW's back right wheel as it hits the floor it makes sparks as it moves along the road and you hear the man say about marking the road.
There were no markings at all unlike you saw on those videos, the car had lost one wheel completely not even the wheel joint was there and another had no tyre but it left no markings what so ever none!
There's the question on break fluid why there was none on the road as the wheel had detached so it's assumed there would be fluid but on research ie talking to mechanics and drivers this might not be the case as unless the break line breaks there's no fluid hence there being none on the road but there is fluid at the compound.
They would book the car in as a "standard recovery" so that would be classified an "abandoned vehicle" meaning the car would have it's number plates checked then would been taken to a compound until claimed or contact the owner and informing them their car had been found, in this case the car was going through owner change and was yet to be registered to Ambrose.

There was confusion to where it went first, did it go to the C&S recovery place or did it go straight to Perivale police compound, a mobile phone sighting has it as Perivale that afternoon so that suggests it went straight to the police compound and not the C&S place.
While at Perivale the police would conduct forensics on the car that was a simple "Standard RTC Recovery" what was the purpose of forensics when there was no need as it was only an "obstruction" what was the need to look over a car that had simply been "abandoned" there was no reason to perform forensics on that car none at all even when the findings came back they were ridiculous finding "one thumb print" on the window of the car but none on the steering wheel, door, airbag or interior of the car, there was no prints or hair found of others who had travelled in that car on that evening/morning in question and there were many.
How the car was found and it's damage would also hold questions as the police stated the front wheel had detached and the witness said it was "hanging off".
Police stated the drivers side door was open another set would say it was closed aswell as the windows but the passenger witness stated they had to "lean through the window" to retrieve some items from the car.
Were the air bags deployed police said yes but the passenger witness said they hadn't deployed on impact but this links into the first crash at 3:06 am when the damage wasn't enough to deploy the bags the bags deployed at Leeside so the police and second witness saw the bags deployed due to the impact into the railings the passenger would have only seen the airbags when he went back to the car as he had already jumped before the second impact the "loud noise" he heard which deployed the airbags.
Only one side of the car's damage would be recorded and the side questioned as the police said the right and witnesses said the left side but both sides had been damaged as the below pictures show.
This is the right side damage to the car.

The back wheels alloy and the tyres has been damaged , the door looks like it has dropped but this may be down to the front wheel detaching from the car.
There's some sort of liquid on the floor by the door suggesting that something had broken or burst but hadn't on impact as there was no liquid at the scene.
Here's the left side of the car.

The front left wheel is being held up with a trolley as it leans to one side, the back wheel looks a bit damaged to the top of wheel.
So on both pictures you see that at least three wheels have been damaged but left no markings as it travelled 500 yards before stopping according to police data.
There was a police helicopter search according to police but the footage was deemed corrupt and unuseable.
The only evidence presented was this police log.

That completes the last stage into the crash that occurred according to the police on the 24th Jan 2015.
Over all the parts it's clear the car crash did happen but it didn't happen like the police say it did.
Nothing places Ambrose in that car apart from his mobile phone which was never cited on route or at the location unlike the passengers so who's to say his phone wasn't planted in that car when it was sitting in the compound as we did say the first and last sighting of the phone came around or within police locations in part two.
The first crash came around 3:04/3:06 am and that's down to the phone sighting and the airbags not being deployed on first impact.
3:07 am Glover shows a car crossing at speed before crashing at Leeside which is the second impact to the car hence the damage.
3:09 am the caller calls it in not far from it's crash location as there's no markings on the road proves it didn't travel that far down road like police stated the times and caravan witness also put that in place it stopped almost after impact.
The caravan witness sees the aftermath of the crash when he sees the "smashed up BMW" and "the dazed man being ushered" into a waiting car.
Whoever he saw was driving the car after hitting the railings at Leeside was the same person getting into the car on Fox Lane right back at the pub and that was identified as not being Ambrose by his own mother.
The pictures from the compound show fluid but there was none at the scene suggesting something broke or burst as the car was lifted, this also links to the witness stating the "wheel was hanging off" and the wheel lying against the railings and not imbedded.
The only other place that car went into is the bollards that sit close to Sedge road they also could of made those grey markings to the car but on evidence ie the 3:06, 3:07 and 3:09 am sightings they are not the ones though they are another option all three witnesses and their locations prove that doubtful as they sit to far up road and without seeing each other it's unlikely the car crashed into those bollards you could also say no markings on the road proves that to unless it hit them first and slammed into the railings at Stonebridge Lock which had debris, road markings and two witnesses also saw a spinning car suggesting it crashed into the railings there but the jacket find which we will cover in part five and factual evidence presented by police makes that impossible.